Mare Nostrum Group Delivers ‘Brand You’ Masterclass in Partnership with Career Ready
Mare Nostrum Group continued its charity partnership with Career Ready by delivering a presentation on personal branding, titled ‘Brand You’, to students at Elliot Hudson College in Leeds. Presented by David, our managing director, and Francesca, head of client management and marketing, the presentation aimed to make students aware of the importance of personal branding, being mindful of how they present themselves to others, and to focus on building the positive aspects of their character to stand out to employers.
The students of Elliot Hudson College were engaged and enthusiastic throughout the presentation and provided thoughtful insights and opinion on the concept of personal branding during the session. Our team was particularly impressed by the positive attitude of the students present and we wish them well for their A-levels and future endeavours as they move on to university and the world of work.
The masterclass session offered the team further first-hand experience of the value of the Career Ready programme and we expect to run additional Masterclasses in conjunction with Career Ready in the near future.
Our volunteering with Career Ready forms part of Mare Nostrum Group’s wider charitable initiative, through which the team raised £12,000 in 2022. We are currently focusing on volunteering our time with Career Ready and our other charitable partner, Speakers Trust.
About Career Ready
Career Ready is a national social mobility charity, helping young people from all backgrounds develop their skills to succeed in their future careers by connecting them to the world of work. The Career Ready Programme specifically prepares post-16 students for the world of work by connecting them with mentors, skills masterclasses, and work experience opportunities.